"A real talent in the realm of smart, on-the-money melodies and bittersweet storytelling through song – lines like ‘it’s easier to hear what I want to believe’ pack a quiet but powerful punch. Sweet, sad and life-affirming all at once."
"No exaggeration, it's astonishingly good: driving pop-infused melodies, a deftly-crafted balance between the delicate and the cathartic, contrasting light and shade, power and tenderness. 9/10"
"Carol Hodge should be massive by now. Three albums in, a life of turmoil and emotions that she’s told to fuck off. Riding through the storm with her sarcastic yet personal lyrics to a soundtrack of pure bliss. This young woman from Yorkshire is not going away until people finally listen. 8/10"
"One of the most innovative solo artists around right now... 9/10"
"This album represents one of those brilliant moments in life when you receive an album that just immediately clicks on almost every level...Do yourself a favor and give this album some listens and a purchase. We need to keep hearing more songs by Hodge."
"There is not a bad song on this album. Carol is undoubtedly one of the country's supremely talented songwriters and deserves to have people shouting from the rooftops about her talent"